The process

As a celebrant I will work with you to custom-design your ceremony to meet your needs and reflect your values and understanding of the world. Some ceremonies may be large and elaborate, others are small and intimate, and all can be beautiful.

Typically the first step would be a free initial meeting to discuss what you have in mind. I will share some initial ideas and we will both get a feel for whether we can work well together. This meeting could be in person or online depending on where you live.

If we agree to work together, I would send you some questions and invite you to take some time to consider these to explore and clarify your wishes such as: why do you want this ceremony, what does it mean to you?

We will then begin co-creating the ceremony based on your responses. I will help you to think creatively and imaginatively to design a ceremony that truly reflects you and your values. I will help you to tease out what you might like to include in terms of poems, readings, music, symbols etc and will be happy to make suggestions.

Once we have an agreed outline, I will write this up as a draft of the ceremony and invite your comments and feedback.

We will be in regular contact in the lead up to the day of the ceremony – I aim to be alongside you as you approach this important moment and on the day itself.

On the day I will create and hold a sacred space to enable deep loving connection with family, friends and the wider earth around us and will guide you through the ceremony.