Following the leadings of love and truth, to joyful action in the world
I offer and facilitate unique, co-created, personal, and participatory ceremonies for namings, changings, joinings, and leavings. I also offer support for climate activists, and all who seek active hope to face our climate emergency. I am a OneSpirit Interfaith Minister, based in Edinburgh, Scotland, and I look forward to working with you whatever your spiritual beliefs — if any — or background.
I believe in the power of community and the earth to support and nourish us with love on our journeys through life. I aspire to follow the leadings of love and truth to joyful action in the world.
Chris was so supportive guiding us through creating a personal ceremony that reflected us and the wedding we wanted. He brought ideas for the ceremony and supported us writing our vows. On the day, he helped to create a perfect, relaxed, loving and inclusive ceremony.
#MonthofMinistry Day 22 In Buddhism, wisdom doesn’t just mean having a lot of knowledge or understanding. Instead it’s about having an insight or realisation about the true nature of reality. This is to do with the realisation that all things are interconnected at a deep level, which is often referred to as “emptiness”. Thich Nhat … Read more
#MonthofMinstry Day 21 I search for the languagethat is also yoursalmost all our language has been taxed by war Allen Ginsberg, Witchita Vortex Sutra So many of the commonplace words and expressions we use have their origins in military language: What others can you think of? Can you think of creative alternatives for any of … Read more
#MonthOfMinistry Days 17 and 18 In Quaker circles we talk a lot about the “Light”. It’s one of the commonest words we use to point at the sense (beyond all words) of good and loving kindness within each of us. We say we “hold someone in the light” when we wish to uphold them perhaps at … Read more
#MonthOfMinistry Day 15 This is such a tricky word! I’ve always struggled with the idea of “god” as some sort of separate and powerful being who maybe created the world; who maybe judges whether we’ve done the right things in life and rewards or punishes us accordingly. Even if such a being made sense to me, … Read more
#MonthOfMinistry Day 14 How do we find balance between “surrender” and “intention”? The latter sounds like a focussed act of will, the very opposite of “Give over thine own willing, give over thine own running…” as Isaac Pennington put it. This morning, Janine was speaking about the Hindu concept of tapas, the spiritual power that … Read more
#MonthOfMinistry Day 12 War is a crime against humanity. I am therefore determined not to support any kind of war, and to strive for the removal of all causes of war. War Resisters’ International Declaration Much of my activism is working for peace, and an end to all wars, opposing the arms trade and military … Read more
#MonthOfMinistry Day 11 “Surrender” is another word I find very difficult: it clearly has military origins. It seems to be about giving up the struggle, ceding control of our lives and our society to the brutal forces of power over. It seems very clear right now that we can’t afford to do that. The forces … Read more
#MonthOfMinistry Day 10 I don’t belong to a “church”, but I guess our Quaker Meeting is the nearest equivalent. If you’re used to going to church, it might be a little different to what you expect – there’s no priest or minister standing at the front taking charge and telling us what to believe, we … Read more
#MonthOfMinistry Day 9 Presence – the still place where we experience being fully here, in the world, in the present moment, and remember that we’re all interconnected in a deep way. The place where, as John O’Donohue puts it, we “experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder”. There are … Read more
#MonthOfMinistry Day 8 Imani, faith, can come like a spirit Spirit come like walking on air. Take a step and trust in the path and Mother Imani meet you there. This joyful song speaks to me of faith as that which sustains us when we step outside our safe zones of comfort. Sing along! Imani, … Read more